[Kde-games-devel] compiling kblocks

Dapeng Zhang zhangd at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Dec 17 15:14:08 CET 2007

Hi Mauricio,

Mauricio Piacentini wrote:
> Great! As KBlocks is currently a one player game, I was thinking how you 
> could apply your proposal to it, and came up with one suggestion: maybe 
> you can implement your AI player in KBlocks as a class that will play 
> the game when we select a DEMO action? This could be cool, I think.
> As you can see, the application is not feature-complete yet, so an 
> abstraction of input is still needed, coupled with the standard 
> configure keys facilities in KDE. But this should not prevent you from 
> hardcoding this player class, and letting it issue move and rotate 
> commands to the board.

May I add a button or submenu "demo" in kblock.cpp&.h? Is there a 
"KStandardGameAction" or something I should use? How can I access the 
game status in the code?


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