[Kde-games-devel] compiling kblocks

Mauricio Piacentini piacentini at kde.org
Mon Dec 17 15:04:21 CET 2007

Dapeng Zhang wrote:
> Hi Albert,
> Many thanks for your help.
> Now I can complie and run "kblocks" in KDE4 by the following commands.

Great! As KBlocks is currently a one player game, I was thinking how you 
could apply your proposal to it, and came up with one suggestion: maybe 
you can implement your AI player in KBlocks as a class that will play 
the game when we select a DEMO action? This could be cool, I think.
As you can see, the application is not feature-complete yet, so an 
abstraction of input is still needed, coupled with the standard 
configure keys facilities in KDE. But this should not prevent you from 
hardcoding this player class, and letting it issue move and rotate 
commands to the board.

Mauricio Piacentini

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