[Kde-games-devel] A problematic translation

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Fri Dec 14 16:18:17 CET 2007

On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 15:20:55 +0100
Luciano Montanaro <mikelima at gmail.com> wrote:

> I see German and French have the same problem as Italian. So I say
> let's add context comments for the ambiguous cases (IE when the
> word appears alone) for next version...

I'd say that's not a problem, at all. Languages are different, just
it. Portuguese shares this as well, we have 'jogo' for the abstract
'game' and 'partida' for 'play a match'.

AFAIK, 'jogo' came from Latin (ludos) an it does mean exactly
that, and 'partida' came from a verb to specify the act of playing a
sort of game for a given time.

Your idea about adding context comments is the best to avoid
mistakes by some translator. I suppose any speaker of a given Romance
language (like French, Italian and Portuguese, for instance) can
distinguish both meanings easily anyway.

PS: I didn't know that German has 2 words for that too :)

Caio Begotti <http://caio.ueberalles.net>

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