[Kde-games-devel] Using KPixmapCache for lskat/kpat

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Dec 5 00:08:39 CET 2007


I fixed the problem that kpat didn't pre-select the card deck properly
in the card selection dialog.

While doing that I also wanted to fix the problem that kpat doesn't
allow to choose a different backside. Unfortunately that currently means
duplicating the cache a bit, else kpat might load an already existing
backside from the cache.

But I also noticed that both card games use their own version of a
pixmap cache.

KDE libs have KPixmapCache since this summer which is provided exactly
for these use-cases and AFAIK does cache the pixmaps across application
starts. It can even do the loading of the svg in the proper size.

As its pretty late in the release cycle by now, I have two questions:

a) Does it make sense to start to move to KPixmapCache now and along the
way let kpat also select the backside

b) if a) is too risky I'll defer the KPixmapCache stuff to 4.1, but is
it ok if I change kpat to still allow to select the backside? This would
introduce a second renderer and a second cache-dir for the
svg-backsides. And it might break peoples existing "setup", as the
backside will then default to the Oxygen (SVG) one (due to introducing a
new config key for that).


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