[Kde-games-devel] kwin4 & lskat graphics

Martin Heni kde at heni-online.de
Tue Aug 28 07:50:14 CEST 2007

Hello !

================== kwin4 ==================
I like how the reflection handling is now done in kwin4, that is, via the 
theme configuration! Very excellent idea!!! The default theme is now fast 
without reflections and the nice theme has reflections. Maybe this should 
reflect in the theme name, so "B&R reflections" instead of "B&R 2"?

Also the score dialog in kwin4 improved. Thanks to the artists for their work 
on it.

Some remarks and questions:
- The boards are not aligned with the pieces anymore. Does this happen only 
with me?
- The default theme is now black-red pieces not white-red like before. Should 
we keep both in?
- I like the blue board better than the grey one. Please leave one theme with 
blue board in [I dont mind having the gray theme if I can have my blue one 
too ;-)].

================== lskat ==================
Lskat needs a little graphical improvement too. A nice background and the 
score dialog needs to be updated a bit like the kwin4 one. At the beginning I 
had e.g. a box around the player's name and the large points number to 
separate it from the overall Score/Games counter.

If anybody has time...(I know, I know).

I also would prefer if we could have a non gray theme. I personally don't like  
gray so much. Either we make the default theme non gray (blueish, greenish?) 
or we make two themes - which can be identical except for the color tone. 
What you think?


PS: I re-enabled the mouse tracking in kwin4 so that the mouse over works. It 
is disabled when the reflections start. Should be ok now.

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