[Kde-games-devel] kgoldrunner ported to KScoreDialog

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Thu Aug 9 16:01:15 CEST 2007

Dmitry Suzdalev wrote:
> Firstly I wonder is this a bug that when enemy falls into a hole,
> sometimes hero dies if he runs above hole-with-enemy even if the enemy
> was *just* catched. I understand that death should happen if enemy
> starts to get out of the hole, but should it happen when he still sits
> there?

I understand that this is not a bug, and it occurs because your mouse is 
positioned just below the current line of blocks. However, this 
frustrated me a lot when I started playing KGoldRunner, to the point 
where I thought that you were not supposed to run over enemies, as I 
died all the times! I then switched to key control to experiment, and 
saw that I could run over them... Then sometime later I switched back to 
mouse control, and finally figured it out what was really happening.

I do not know if there is an easy way to solve this (maybe check the 
distance of the mouse, and if it is obviously intending to move left or 
right then we can disregard the down movement?) Or add a rule that makes 
it impossible to enter into a hole that is occupied by the enemy, as 
this is a dumb move anyway and no one would want to do it on purpose?

If Ian find that this is not appropriate we could maybe find a way (in 
the tutorial) to warn the user about this particularity. It is really 
common, but something that we do not see in users that already play the 
game for some time. My wife was also puzzled about it when she started 
playing, and someone at aKademy mentioned the same to me, so it is 
probably a common stumbler block that prevents more people from getting 
into KGr.

Mauricio Piacentini

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