[Kde-games-devel] KBoard

Jaison Lee lee.jaison at gmail.com
Wed Sep 27 17:24:59 CEST 2006

> Yes, I'm eager to know about that, too. I didn't see many KDE
> applications using it, but for KBoard I shall say boost is vital. We
> use shared_ptr's for pretty much everything, and since the moment we
> started using them, many complicated pointer ownership problems simply
> disappeared.
> I know that there exists a KSharedPtr class in kdelibs, but it seems
> that it is not powerful enough for our needs (it lacks a corresponding
> weak_ptr implementation, and  the useful enable_shared_from_this is
> missing as well).

I am by no means an expert on topics like this (they tend to make my
head spin),  but is there really no way to get things to work the way
you want between QPointer and QSharedData/QSharedDataPointer? Isn't a
weak_ref just a QPointer pointing back to a QSharedData object? And
enable_shared_from_this may be something Qt would be willing to add in
if you asked.

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