[Kde-games-devel] kreversi_rewrite is almost finished... Please review.

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 17:36:37 CEST 2006

On Thursday 07 September 2006 16:43, Inge Wallin wrote:
> Heh, this is the one thing that I had already done. 
:-) Than I done that again :-). Tested my programming skill, you know ;).

Btw, I think now I should call myself maintainer of kreversi, as it contains a 
lot of my code which I (surprisingly) happen to know :).
I hope you don't mind? ;)

> The engine was totally 
> decoupled from the view and only communicated through signals and slots.  
> Actually I don't think you can talk about a graphical engine at all, since
> the engine is the AI, at least that's the terminology that is used in most
> chess programming and other similar games.
Yes, you're right here. I used wrong terminology. Ah, let's just forget 
it :-).

Btw, Inge, while you're here I'll ask a couple of questions :).

First is: is it really necessary to bring "casual" vs "competitive" mode 
visible to user? I mean is the "casual" one really needed? Do you have some 
info regarding whether it was used by players?
I think that lowest strength makes it quite possible to win even for novice 
For now I silently call computeMove with "competitive" set to true and there's 
no chance for end-user to change that in a GUI.
Or you do think I need to make some corresponding option?

Second is: currently it is impossible to swap sides. I.e. human is always 
playing "black" and computer is always "white".
Well, that's probably my fault - I didn't notice this option from the 
beginning and wrote the game with "human plays black and makes first turn" 
hardcoded in my mind :).
Of course, that can be adjusted, but currently it'll require me to find all 
places where I relied on that hardcoded thing and make them more general. Can 
this wait for some time?
In other words: do you consider "swappable sides" feature a major and 
important one?

Thanks in advance,

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