[Kde-games-devel] kreversi_rewrite is almost finished... Please review.

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 6 12:26:16 CEST 2006

Hello, dear gamers! :)

Well, now I feel that kreversi_rewrite is getting into shape and
getting almost all (and some more) functionality which original
kreversi had.

So I started thinking about merging it back to trunk to continue
developing there.

Before doing that I'd like you all to see how it looks/works like now
and give me a green or red light along with some comments if you wish

You can find kreversi_rewrite at branches/work/kreversi_rewrite.
Note that it still contains an original kreversi source files - they
are just unused. I kept them for a case when a reference to old code
might be needed (which happened one or two times ;) ).

I prefixed new files I introduced with "kreversi..." (except
mainwindow.* for some unknown reason ;)). Maybe I'll consider removing
that prefix in future.

Few features like Highscores and MessageBoxes with statistics at the
end of the game are still missing though.
Maybe I shouldn't merge before implementing these? What do you think?

And now I'm eagerly awaiting your comments :).

Cheers, Dmitry.

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