[Kde-games-devel] Replay feature in KAtomic?

Dmitry Suzdalev dimsuz at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 21:27:27 CET 2006

Seems like I need a piece of advice :).

As you might know today I implemented loading and saving of katomic game to a 
It saves current atom position and whole undo history (read: move history).

Next feature that I thought of was the ability to "replay" the moves from the 
beginning to see how saved game was played, because that would be useful if 
one user wants to share his solution with another user (by for example 
mailing him the savefile).

ATM after loading of the save file you'll be exactly at the position in that 
game was saved (for example right after you placed last atom to the correct 
position). And to see which moves were taken, you have to constantly undo 
till beginning :).

What I'm thinking of is a simple KAction like "Replay moves".
But there are some options in implementing it, and I'm not sure what route to 
take. When user presses "Replay moves", replaying starts and user cancels 
replaying, what should happen?
a) Atoms will be left in a positions at which they were when user cancelled 
replay. And the user can continue playing from that position.
b) Things are reverted to the state in which they were before user 
selected "Replay moves".
c) Intead of "replay moves" provide "Undo All" and then user can do redos by 
himself as much as he likes (up to an end of history).
d) any other option?

What do you think?
Maybe this "replay" functionality isn't needed at all?
Actually I start to like item c) more and more :). It hasn't such ambiguities 
as replay mode. OTOH it is not very straightforward... Uh :).

Thanks in advance,
23. Мудреца спросили: "Как надо питаться начинающему медитатору?" Он ответил:
 "Ну, вообще то кушать хорошо то, что вкусно в момент принятия пищи, но не 
следует есть мяса-птицы-яиц-лука-перца тому, кто желает успокоить свой ум". 
           (c) Ра-Хари.

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