[Kde-games-devel] Status: Lskat

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Mon Nov 6 22:57:34 CET 2006

> I experience 50% load on my 2 CPU system (that is 100% load of a single 
> processor) but not on the lskat process but on Xorg process.

This is similar to what I get, but in my case it is 100% of a single 
processor, also by xorg. I do not get this in other QGV apps (like 
kreversi.) But I have seen this before with QGV while porting KGoldrunner.
I am updating qt-copy right now and will recompile, there were a couple 
of patches I missed. Maybe this accounts for the difference, I will 
post. In any event, I am seeing frequent updates in the view (with 
QT_FLUSH_PAINT=1) so it appears that something is happening inside the 
QGV update logic.
BTW, if you are using a scaled view (QGraphicsScene rect does not match 
QGraphicsView matrix) and scaled QGraphicPixmapItems then maybe this is 
what is causing the problem. At least it would be consistent with what I 
was seeing in KGoldrunner when it was using QGV.


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