[Kde-games-devel] Status: Lskat

Ollivier Lapeyre Johann johann.ollivierlapeyre at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 18:56:32 CET 2006

> > The plan is to have all in svg for KDE4.
> Having at least one SVG themee for each game (and hopefully accessiblity
> themes too) would be great of course.  

That is the goal, to have an oxygen style for every game. And it even seems 
faster to convert engine for SVG and make a svg artwork than making png. 

> However converting all the old 
> themes from pixmaps seems like a lot of work especially if there is a risk
> of the SVG themes being slightly slower, or have you already taken steps
> to avoid any slowdown?

Yes is this work, from maintainer and me, but possible. Dimsuz spent 2 days 
for the engine, and i spent 3 for 70% of the artwork. But KDE4 is not for 
tomorrow... and KDE4 is not the last of the KDE4.X serie.

It seems to be fast on kreversi and katomic. 

> > I'm working on kwin4 and Katomic now, but you can be the next on my todo
> > list if you want.
> Are you keeping a TODO list in the wiki?

No, but it is a great idea. i made that:

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