[Kde-games-devel] KGame/KPlayer API usability in kdegames

Kleag kleag at free.fr
Tue Jul 11 23:46:38 CEST 2006

Le Mardi 11 Juillet 2006 23:34, Dmitry Suzdalev a écrit :
> So it seems that majority of games make a big use of KGame network
> features, and only (one that I know) kwin4 uses that KGameIO concept. Which
> seems to be useful, but renders to be unusable in QGraphicsView case :). 
Correction on this point: KsirK uses KGameIO too and it's really easy to make 
computer players behave like local humans and remote ones. Up to now, I never 
tried to replace one by another. When a player leaves the game, it quits 
(optionaly saving it).

> I miss some data that is needed for signal, because it (the data) belongs
> to another class and there's no way to get it w/o redesigning those
> classes... So I'm stuck again :).
I planed to port KsirK to KDE4 (QGraphicsView) too, but I'm currently porting 
KGraphViewer so I have only few time for KsirK...

> Hmm interesting enough :). Same questions...
> Well, how do you think, what can be done aside discussing again and again?
> New cool game library?
> Improved current code? (to make it cool :) )
> Anything else?
I'm convinced that current concepts are good from a user (game programmer) 
point of view. I never looked closely to the actual code, but I'm sure that 
with a little bit updating work and good documentation, it could be very 
useful and used.

Well, this work must be done, So DIY/DIM... (Do It Yourself/Do It Myself) is 
probably the only answer. Current maintainers would probably be very happy to 
help as much as they can, wouldn't you ?



> PS. Sorry if my English is not quite understandable in come phrases. I do
> my best :).
So do I :-)
KsirK - a turn-based strategy game for KDE

KGraphViewer - a GraphViz dot graphs viewer

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