[Kde-games-devel] Request for Bezique Game

Josef Spillner spillner at kde.org
Thu Jan 5 13:10:17 CET 2006


El Jueves, 5. Enero 2006 12:09, John Schneiderman escribió:
> I am in the middle of creating a general card game suite for KDE actually,
> and am activly soliciting games to include. This game sounds intresting,
> would be intrested in helping develop this game?

I'd love to see your game as a testcase for GGZ support in KDE. This is a 
topic which has been pending for several years now, but for this year's 
aKademy I actually had some sample code ready which could help facilitating 
this. It would be added as an "adapter" to libkdegames, although the current 
code doesn't yet support the adapter design. Therefore, it could be added to 
kdegames without requiring a dependency on external libraries.

Have a look here:
GGZCards currently exists for Gtk+, and someone is in the process of porting 
it to Java. (temporary homepage: http://members.ii.net/~bredow/ggz/)
(Note, that it doesn't work with free Javas yet (Kaffe/GIJ). But the goal is 
to make it work with them of course.)
The Java porter also intends to add Skat and other games to the engine.

The ggzboard protocol is fully specified in a plain-text file, and most of it 
in a PDL (protocol description language XML file) for use with GGZComm, which 
can generate networking code for Qt also. It's just not tested that much as 
with other networking libraries yet :)

So hopefully you're interested. If not yet, try to read some of the docs at 
the mentioned site.


Aside from that, I'm currently working on Kuohbe, which is sort of the 
boardgame counterpart - a generic board game framework. But it is written in 
Python (PyKDE), and therefore probably not so relevant for kde-games yet.
Still I think that generic game frameworks are really "all the hype" right now 
- see e.g. also Gridlock (for GNUstep).

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