[Kde-games-devel] Status update: KMahjongg, KShisen and libkmahjongg

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Dec 6 04:51:26 CET 2006

Hi, guys. Just a quick message to tell you that I have splitted the 
tileset loading and handling from KMahjongg. Tileset data and code were 
changed moved to a new libkmahjongg subdirectory. This lets us share 
tilesets between KMahjongg and KShisen, and possibly other games in the 
future that need to render mahjongg tiles. KStandardDirs integration was 
also added, with a custom resource type "kmahjonggtileset".

At the same time, I also changed the tileset meta format as proposed by 
Henrique a couple of weeks ago. It is now using .desktop files, so we 
can take advantage of the localization resources that already exist in KDE.

Besides updating KMahjongg to use the shared library I also commited 
initial libkmahjongg support for KShisen. The code in SVN is loading one 
of the shared SVG tilesets. There are some issues that still need to be 
fixed, as KShisen tiles currently do not overlap each other, so the 
drawing code needs to be updated. I am planning to tackle this during 
the next few days, as the changes need to be implemented carefully 
(mouse presses and other events also need to be altered as they are 
currently assume sprite areas that do not overlap.) I am also planning 
to maybe port it to QGV or KGameCanvas so we can optimize screen 
redrawing. Still, the game is already working correctly, it is just the 
spacing between tiles that is a bit wide right now.

The SVG tileset submitted by Robert Buchholz is also imported into 
kmahjongglib, btw. I just need to add the tileset selection dialog to 
libkmahjongg, another feature that is still pending, so we can customize 
tilesets in both applications. In the TODO list there is also the 
implementation of the SVG background rendering, but things are moving well.

Mauricio Piacentini

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