[Kde-games-devel] libkdegames

mauricio at tabuleiro.com mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Mon Aug 14 04:42:19 CEST 2006

>> Make KCardDeck utilize GetNewStuff, especially since cards should be
>> made to use vector graphics, and cool new designs could become
>> available.
> I was also thinking along the lines of the vector graphics. Is this
> something
> we should generally enhance?

This is something I believe could improve the overall look of the games
and helps us attract new designers. I am all for it.

> Do we have people with artisitc abilities which can polish up the games
> graphics?

I will start this week, trying to adapt KMahjongg to accept vector tiles,
as an experiment. For this, I will use the tileset I posted about last
week, which is already done by my wife, and she happily agreed to
contribute. I also asked her if she did not want to produce a clean set of
SVG cards for kpat, let's see how it goes :) After the mahjongg experiment
I can have a look at this as well.

My proposal is to use very clean art, in line with the current KDE4
crystal icon set, and also inspired by the current icons, which are
generally good.
I showed current games to my wife and another designer that works with us.
The first comment I got was regarding the LCD numbers... As you can
imagine, most designers find those horrible, and difficult to integrate
with nice backgrounds and game art. They are not also very legible,
specially white on grey backgrounds. So in order for our improvements to
be consistent we really need to team up designers with at least one
programmer that is willing to make minor modifications to the game code in
order to acommodate the needs of the designer (like substituting
QLCDNumber for nice, antialised QLabels), and also to tell the designer
what are the absolute restrictions that could not be changed without a
heavy rewrite.

Well, I am volunteering to gradually evaluate and propose graphic
enhancements to kdegames for KDE4. I was discussing this already with Ian
for Kgoldrunner, but I believe I should start with something simpler, like
the Kmahjongg vector tile support.


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