[Kde-games-devel] Using SVN in kdegames

Ian Wadham ianw at netspace.net.au
Fri Aug 11 15:58:50 CEST 2006


I have an account (from CVS days) but have not yet used it
with SVN and am having trouble working out what to do.
I guess I never really understood the structure of the
kdegames module, so I'm wondering exactly what I have
to do (in SVN) to check out my game.  I used to use
pserver and a password.  I've read all the docs in the
KDE Developers' area and the Red Bean book on SVN,
but I am still confused and I'm worried about making some
silly mistake.  Specifically ...

1. Is https: the correct protocol prefix for me?

2. Do I have to give the full URL with *every* command?

3. Do I have to check out the *whole* of kdegames, or
    can I do:
       svn co -N https://ianw@svn.kde.org/home/trunk/KDE/kdegames
       cd kdegames
       svn co libkdegames
       svn co mygame

    (I am working on a dialup line and running short of disk space.
    Also, I do not need writeable access to every KDE game's source
    and do not wish to risk accidentally damaging another game.)

4. If I have to check out all of kdegames, do I have to keep running
    "svn update" on the whole thing and re-compiling all of it every
    time I am ready to commit a one-line change?

5. When I do a commit, can I do:
       cd kdegames/mygame (or even cd kdegames/mygame/src)
       svn update
       # Check for conflicts, compilation problems, etc.
       svn commit -m "Description of changes"

6. If so, does SVN somehow "know" what URL to use and that
    it requires a password from me?

7. I have discovered a bug in "mygame" (KDE 3 version).  Should
    I report it to bugzilla and get a number assigned, then put that # in
    my -m message?  Or should I just fix the bug without reporting it?

8. I understand that I will have to check out and commit the KDE3.5
    branch of "mygame", when fixing the bug, but what is the proper
    method (SVN commands) to ensure that TRUNK gets the same fix?
    I presume there is something better than just hand-editing both
    versions of "mygame".

Hope someone can answer all this.  Dmitry, maybe? :-)

All the best, Ian W.

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