[Kde-games-devel] KReversi rewrite

Mauricio Piacentini mauricio at tabuleiro.com
Wed Aug 9 21:47:08 CEST 2006

> Actually I think most do. In particular, iirc, kmahjongg requires work. 

I have some experience with this type of game, having done one in Flash 
(we called it Shaghai). You can see it at


Instructions are in portuguese, but the top menu has a level selector 
and functions to get a hint. The artwork is imho very good, all 
vectorial. My wife did it, and I believe she would have no objection 
contributing it to kdegames or adapting it to be pixel-based if required.

But to be honest, kmahjongg looks basically playable in KDE4, so a 
rewrite is probably overkill. There are some issues with resizing, and 
it would be nice to use vectors for graphics. Maybe I could help with 
this in the near future, using the experience I am gaining from studying 
kgoldrunner's source code.

Best regards,
Mauricio Piacentini

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