[Kde-games-devel] Re: REKO cardsets for KDE cardgames?

Martin Heni martin at heni-online.de
Sat Jun 14 12:40:16 CEST 2003

>Where is this converter available?

I uploaded a tar.gz copy to

I tested it with a few cardsets and it loads REKO sets
(as pure *.REKO or from inside reko *.zip archive) ok. It converts them
to a directory full of PNG files and extracts one back deck including
the .desktop file. The directory can probably be directly copied/installed 
to the
KDE cardgames directory.

It seems not to work  with RPK files. I don't know REKO well
enough to know why or what this is. Maybe only Amiga not PC format?

The GUI needs a lot of improvement but it might serve as a base
for a Converter/Installer.

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