[Kde-games-devel] Re: REKO cardsets for KDE cardgames?

Neil Stevens neil at qualityassistant.com
Thu Jun 12 04:49:12 CEST 2003

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On Thursday June 12, 2003 03:34, blachner at gmx.de wrote:
> > If by "advanced" you mean "specifically tweaked to support some
> > (undocumented?) binary format used by some (proprietary?) image sets,"
> > then probably not.
> The REKO format is documented. You can find a documentation on Aminet.
> If you want, I can later send a link or the documentation itselfs
> because it is not very big.

OK good, that leads into something below...

> As I read from your mails you are against support for other formats in
> kcarddialog. Your prefer a conversion program to conver the cards to PNG
> files? Or what do you prefer?

I think the solution that leads to the best outcome (all libkdegames-using 
apps having access to all decks) would be to to write some sort of 
installer.  That way people can just download the deck, "install" it 
(converts to PNG images and the standard layout in $(KDEHOME)), and use it 
in any of the existing games.

> In my opinion, a KIO slave would be a good way, because that make it
> easier to suppport other card formats which may be exist too. The
> conversion is done in the KIO slave and not in the kcarddialog. Is your
> opinion that it is better to give KIO URLs (or however this is called)
> back to the games and the games should than use KIO to loade the cards?

It's my view that the existing system is fine, and we gain nothing by 
messing with it. :-)

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at qualityassistant.com
"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the
sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him
for the same act as the destroyer of liberty." -- Abraham Lincoln
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