[Kde-games-devel] Re: REKO cardsets for KDE cardgames?

Neil Stevens neil at qualityassistant.com
Mon Jun 9 13:50:24 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Monday June 09, 2003 12:47, Bernd Lachner wrote:
> > Not if you want KDE card games to be able to load your card decks.
> O.K. That means write a IO slave uses nothing because the card games
> needs "normal" files and can't load files over a IO slave. Right?
> > If you want all the KDE card games, both in and out of KDE CVS, to be
> > able to load the new decks, you have to have the decks in the same PNG
> > format and file layout the existing decks are in.
> O.K. That means there are only two ways:
> 1) Convert the REKO cardset to png files.
> 2) Rewrite kcarddialog and the games.


> Maybe the following function which returns the path to a card directory
> with png files can return instead a list or a array of QImage (or
> QPixmap?) objects with the card images.
>   /**
>    * @return The chosen card directory
>    */
>    const QString& cardDir() const;
> That means replacing  the above function by the following function or
> add a new function like the following:
>   QImage[] cardImages();
> That means the card dialog can use the png files and also other formats
> like the REKO formats. But unfortunally that means also that functions
> have to be add to the games to using this advanced dialog.

Can't do that.  We can't break the existing API.  So we have to use your 
first option.

> > Unless the new decks are in the same format and file layout, we can't
> > ship them with KDE.
> I don't want to ship REKO cardsets with KDE. I only want to ship KDE
> card game programs which can uses the many existing REKO cardsets.

Well, that's not going to happen anytime soon.  Why the aversion to 
unpacking the files into separate images?

- -- 
Neil Stevens - neil at qualityassistant.com
"The shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep's throat, for which the
sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him
for the same act as the destroyer of liberty." -- Abraham Lincoln
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