[Kde-games-devel] Sending a message to one KGame client

Martin Heni kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Tue, 18 Feb 2003 19:20:22 +0100

>server can get the KMessageServer from the KGame, then use use
>KMessageServer::sendMessage to send the message.  To receive the message
>on the client side, I have to get the KMessageClient from the KGame, and
>hook up to KMessageClient::serverMessageReceived to receive the messages.
>Is this correct?  And if so, do the client IDs in the KMessageServer match
>the KPlayer::id()s?

I think the idea should work. Without checking the code: I would say the
ID is the game's not the player's id. KGame(Network)::(game)id()
messageclient->id()  or so.... (Burkhard?)