[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner 2.0 (KDE application) available

Ian Wadham ianw at netspace.net.au
Fri Aug 15 20:28:54 CEST 2003

I have just checked in KGoldrunner 2.0 source code and updated games
data, at kdenonbeta/kgoldrunner.  The updated documentation should be
ready in two more days and will complete the package.

The code has been modified to make it into a "standard" KDE application.
The game itself is the same as before, except that the Tutorial has been
split into Tutorial (the easy levels as before, plus a few new levels) and
Advanced Tutorial (the harder levels from the previous Tutorial).  Note
that I have split the code into more .h and .cpp files and have "renamed"
four files (i.e cvs remove + cvs add): kgoldrunnerwidget.* becomes
kgrcanvas.* and kgrobj.* becomes kgrobject.*, so there are several new
files and four files removed.

I hope KGoldrunner 2.0 will compile and install OK from the
kdenonbeta structure.  There are three difficulties you may find:

   1. It links to $(LIB_KDEGAMES), which is unknown to Gideon (see
       my bug report 62288).  I do not know if kdenonbeta recognises the
       KDE Games library.

   2. An admin guy put a "chown root" in kgoldrunner/system/Makefile.am.
       This will cause about 200 error messages (one for every KGoldrunner
       level) if you are installing into your own area (i.e. not as "root").
       The messages can be ignored.  The files have already been installed
       by then.  Or you can insert ": " before "chown" to make it a Shell
       no-op command --- but please don't commit that :) !

   3. When KGoldrunner is executing, the KDE library intermittently
       issues "X error" messages.  I have written a note about this in
       KGoldrunner's BUGS file.  I think this is a KDE Library bug,
       but am not sure yet.  The errors have no effect on the application.

I am hoping to include KGoldrunner 2.0 in the KDE 3.2 release.

Cheers, Ian Wadham
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