[Kde-games-devel] Re: Problem with ktuberling

Rob Kaper kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 16:10:52 +0100

On Wednesday 06 March 2002 09:57, Pavel Troller wrote:
>   I'm Julia, I'm 6 and I can't play with my most favourite toy!
>   When I click anywhere in the "potato man" window, all stops
> for a very long time! My father is very nervous and doesn't let me to
> play with it anymore! Please help !

It is artsd which hangs the system eating all of your CPU time. As a=20
workaround, go to Settings and disable Sounds in KTuberling for now.

I guess this is a direct result from changing the .wav files for .ogg fil=
es. I=20
wish the kdegames people would have been wise enough to postpone those=20
changes until KDE 3.1, I expected some issues between arts/mpeglib and og=
which is why I didn't want to make those changes for 3.0 for knotify eith=

(cc: kde-games-devel)

Rob Kaper     | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a litt=
cap@capsi.com | temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
www.capsi.com | - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1=