[Kde-games-devel] Another sokoban program

Rob Kaper kde-games-devel@mail.kde.org
Thu, 14 Feb 2002 22:09:11 +0100

On Monday 11 February 2002 12:24, Ralf Schmelter wrote:
> Some users of my Sokoban program EasySok
> (http://easysok.sourceforge.net) suggested to include EasySok
> into the kdegames package (and maybe replacing KSokoban). I'm
> not really sure if this is a good idead, so I want to ask you
> for your opinion (especially considering the last discussion
> about splitting up the kdegames package).

I'll repeat what I also said during the Kit/Kinkatta discussion: my start=
viewpoint is that I don't think KDE should replace shipped applications=20
everytime an alternative comes along, even when it's better. Nonetheless =
don't mind being convinced otherwise.

> Disadvantages:
> - KSokoban is older and smaller, so that it will contain less
>   errors than EasySok.

Put it in kdenonbeta for a while to let it mature more easily.

> - KSokoban is already translated in many different languages,
>   while EasySok is only partially translated to German (and
>   a translation will need a lot more of effort due to the
>   number of messages and the size of the handbook).

Can you reuse KSokoban translations?

> - Adding EasySok to kdegames will increase the size of the
>   tar'ed and bzip'ed kdegames package by about 200kB to 400kB
>   (depending on the number of themes).

Shouldn't be too much of a problem.

> - EasySok may need more main memory (for storing the solutions).
>   This can be as much as 4 MB.

That is quite a lot, I guess. Although, Atlantik takes 16MB currently (wh=
hopefully less without --enable-debug=3Dfull).

> - It's not tested on as many systems as KSokoban (especially on
>   low end machines).

kdenonbeta might help here too.

> - Inclusion of EasySok doesn't adds a new game to the kdegames
>   package, but only adds a better(?) version of an existing game.

True. Your standard compliance note pushes me into the "yes, this is good=
KDE" category I guess. Put it in kdenonbeta for a while so the applicatio=
can mature and you can get accustomed to KDE CVS (and the implications of=
being part of a larger whole) and you'll get my vote between now and the =
feature freeze.

> not advanced enough (in fact I started coding EasySok because
> of some missing features in KSokoban).

Hm, and it was impossible to add those features to KSokoban?

Rob Kaper     | "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a litt=
cap@capsi.com | temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
www.capsi.com | - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1=