qt5-widgets fails to build

Chris Nicol nicolc at uleth.ca
Sun May 31 17:51:38 BST 2020

Tobias and Adriaan,

Thanks for taking the time to reply. All of these Qt tools were being 
built for the first time on this machine. As noted, it is an old 
machine, and a sibling to a SunBlade 1000 which I also have - the 1000 
is still running Solaris 8, but maybe not for much longer ;)

The Blade 100 only has 256M of memory, and a swap partition of 1440M. 
That being the case, these builds can run for a long time. I think what 
has happened is that the machine ran out of swap at some point, and left 
a corrupted version of qabstractslider.o in the build tree when it 
stopped, which was then included in the linking of the library related 
to that, with the unresolved symbol results. I built qabstractslider.o 
again, and that has taken care of the problem. Finally, I have managed 
to build all of the Qt toolkits, and the xpdfreader built fine after that.

Thanks for reading and commenting on my post. The SunBlade 100 is 
getting close to being usable, with a mailer (sylpheed), a file manager 
(xfe), gcc9 and fully functioning X Windows (fluxbox, twm and openbox). 
I have yet to succeed in building a browser. The ones I have tried so 
far fail to build because of a problem with llvm-tblgen, the executable 
for which causes a seg. fault in both the /usr/ports version and the 
source downloaded from llvm directly. I have been trying to debug that 
using gdb-9.1 which was also built successfully from the /usr/ports 
tree. The llvm mailing list has not been very helpful (no replies) in 
resolving those issues.

I might try to build NetSurf, as it seems to be light on what it needs 
from the hardware end. After that, perhaps a kernel re-build, to support 
accelerated graphics, as the stock 12.1 does not support that, and the 
window rendering is a bit sluggish :P


On Sunday, 31 May 2020 11:04:13 CEST Tobias C. Berner wrote:
 > Moin moin
 > Are all your Qt5-ports up to date?
 > mfg Tobias
 > On Sun, 31 May 2020 at 11:02, Chris Nicol <nicolc at uleth.ca> wrote:
 > > Dear "kde"
 > >
 > > I am tring to build //usr/ports/graphics/xpdf, a simple programme,
 > > apparently, which calls for the build of x11-toolkits/qt5-widgets, for
 > > which you are maintainer according to the Makefile:
 > >
 > > # $FreeBSD: head/x11-toolkits/qt5-widgets/Makefile 531601 2020-04-13
 > > 12:35:58Z tcberner $
 > >
 > > This build is on a SunBlade 100 running FreeBSD 12.1. This is an old
 > > machine, so the build goes on for some time, but results in a 
failure at
 > > the linker stage - "undefined reference to QAbstractSlider", with the
 > > following crash dump file:

 > > /usr/local/bin/ld: qabstractscrollarea.cpp:(.text+0xeb0): undefined
 > > reference to `QAbstractSlider::setInvertedAppearance(bool)'
 > > /usr/local/bin/ld: qabstractscrollarea.cpp:(.text+0xeb8): undefined
 > > reference to `QAbstractSlider::invertedControls() const'
 > > /usr/local/bin/ld: qabstractscrollarea.cpp:(.text+0xec4): undefined

I'll second Tobias's comment: Qt is tricky to update when building ports by
hand or with portmaster. So you should update all of them together -- 
and for
ports builds, that often means "remove them, build, then install again". 
said, QAbstractSlider (which is most of your linker errors) has been around
*forever* so that's one I would expect to exist in any QtGui .. wait, it's
supposed to be in Widgets itself.

I'm going to step back a little and suggest this:
  - remove any existing qt5widgets ports / packages that are installed
  - build *just* qt5widgets and install it
  - then get back to xpdf


PS. Gosh, there's still Sun hardware in southern Alberta?


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