[kde-freebsd] cad/qcad patch (was Re: [Bug 202808] [exp-run] Update Qt 4 ports to 4.8.7)

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Sat Sep 12 18:19:38 UTC 2015

On Saturday 12 September 2015 20:09:42 Raphael Kubo da Costa wrote:
> - Just like the patches in the port make it use openNURBS from the tree
>   instead of the bundled copy, it would probably make sense to do the
>   same with quazip. Bundled libraries are evil.

.. and how does that interact with quazip-qt4 and quazip-qt5? (last I recall, 
the idea was to reinstate the -qt5 for latest quazip and see if things are co-


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