[kde-freebsd] kdesdk-poxml uses java?

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Wed Jan 15 11:24:43 UTC 2014

On Monday 13 January 2014 07:31:30 Schaich Alonso wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:13:08 +0100
> Adriaan de Groot <groot at kde.org> wrote:
> > POXML_DESC=             Install po2xml and swappo (needs Java)

> I added that Java comment because, while kdesdk4-poxml doesn't need Java
> itself, it requires devel/antlr, which is a Java written port.

Thanks for the explanation. I think my initial line "since Java is switched 
off" (it was marked as BROKEN for a bit) is no longer true, since my area51 
builder has an openjdk6 and antlr (and kdesdk4-poxml too).

So that means that for plain desktop purposes, all of KDE 4.11.4 now builds on 
my 9.2 (-STABLE).


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