[kde-freebsd] kdesdk4-poxml tests (PATCH)

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Sun Jan 12 23:09:32 UTC 2014

The tests/ subdirectory in kdesdk4-poxml uses /usr/local/kde4/bin/checkXML 
(well, that's where the kdelibs port installs checkXML) as a custom command 
during some of the tests. However, it's called as "checkXML" without a full 
path, which means it isn't found during a regular ports build. The attached 
patch does a search for checkXML before using that command in the tests. My 
CMake-fu is weak, though, so I'm no sure ${CMAKE_PREFIX} does what I want it 
to do (use the eventual install prefix, so it will pick up /usr/local/kde4).

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