[kde-freebsd] [CFT] KDE and KDE PIM 4.7.1
Olivier Smedts
olivier at gid0.org
Sun Oct 9 09:49:50 UTC 2011
2011/9/15 Alberto Villa <avilla at freebsd.org>:
> The moment has finally arrived. We’re ready to share our work on the
> latest KDE to all the brave testers who wish to give a hand. The ports
> should be quite stable, and if we receive good feedback, I hope to be
> able to commit it to /usr/ports before the release slush, and let
> FreeBSD (and PC-BSD) 9.0 ship with KDE 4.7.1!
Do you need testers for 4.7.2, or is area51 waiting for more plist
fixes before the next CFT ? I'm currently using 4.7.1 and I'm quite
happy with its improvements. It feels more stable than ever (just
using the DE, no PIM, no semantic desktop).
Do you think your work will be merged in the ports tree before the
freeze ? It could be really interesting to avoid the usual major ports
update just after the release.
Thanks for all
> As promised, we’re building packages to make things easier for you
> (only for amd64, I’m sorry), but they’re not ready yet. Come back in
> few days for an update. Meanwhile, I’ll let you know how to update
> using ports from our testing repository.
> The story is always the same (you may want to take a snapshot of
> /usr/ports before doing this):
> # svn co http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51 /path/to/area51
> # /path/to/area51/Tools/scripts/kdemerge -kmpq /usr/ports
> This will also bring you updated Qt and PyQt.
> If – and only if – you want to test also KDE PIM 4.7.1, run (at this
> exact point):
> # /path/to/area51/Tools/scripts/kdemerge -m /usr/ports
> Now you just need to read UPDATING-area51 -
> http://area51.pcbsd.org/trunk/area51/UPDATING-area51 - and proceed
> with the update.
> I’m not going to tell you about the new things you’re expected to find
> (it will be material for another post, at commit time), but I’ll
> invite you to pay attention to some points:
> - UPDATING procedure is quite long, we’d like a confirmation that it works;
> - we managed to strip 10-15 seconds from startup time -
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freebsd/2011-September/011570.html
> -, but issues might come out (quite unlikely);
> - we made an attempt to enhance devices detection by Phonon -
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-freebsd/2011-September/011606.html
> -, and we need it to be tested.
> So, we’re waiting for your feedback, possibly as a reply to this thread.
> http://blogs.freebsdish.org/avilla/2011/09/15/announcing-cft-for-kde-4-7-1-on-freebsd
> --
> Alberto Villa, FreeBSD committer <avilla at FreeBSD.org>
> http://people.FreeBSD.org/~avilla
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Olivier Smedts _
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