[kde-freebsd] Upgrade to recent KDE4.Impossible task?

Krzysztof Dajka alteriks at gmail.com
Mon May 17 20:55:57 CEST 2010

2010/5/17 Luca Renaud <renaud.luca at gmail.com>

> All my attempts to upgrade KDE4 have failed.The most recent stops at
> redland compiling (make stage) and
> then soprano,akonadi,kdelibs-4.4.3...
> Anterior attempts for KDE-4.3.5 stopped during the make stage of
> kdelibs-4.3.5.
> As these are my first attempts to upgrade complex ports using
> portsnap,portmanager etc. am I doing
> something wrong or this is it(it is as it is),and must keep trying until
> things work?

Without showing any logs from build stage we won't be able to help.
Do you have anything in /etc/make.conf? Maybe if don't like compiling
everything on your own you should use:
pkg_add -rv kde4
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