[kde-freebsd] missing symbol: more

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at chillt.de
Wed Mar 11 04:23:10 CET 2009

>> _Z7qstrcmpRK10QByteArrayPKc : qstrcmp(QByteArray const&, char
>> const*)
> I can't locate any library having such a symbol (after a LOT of
> searching)

nm /usr/local/lib/qt4/libQtCore.so | grep _Z7qstrcmpRK10QByteArrayPKc
0006ee40 T _Z7qstrcmpRK10QByteArrayPKc

The symbol is provided by libQtCore.so which is installed by
devel/qt4-corelib. You should look into why this library does not export
that symbol on your system.

- Bartosz

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