[kde-freebsd] some notes on KDE 4.0.98
Rene Ladan
r.c.ladan at gmail.com
Mon Jul 21 22:10:58 CEST 2008
here is my list of issues with KDE 4.0.98 with FreeBSD 7.0R i386 :
* Building it:
OK, except that I had to set WITH_BDB_VER=42 for textproc/redland. The port
depends on version 4.2, but the default version seems to be 4.1. So the
build instructions would be:
- install devel/qt4
- install multimedia/phonon, replacing multimedia/qt4-phonon (i.e. the -o
option of portmaster/portupgrade)
- install x11/kde4
- set up kdm/xinit files as described in the wiki
* Running it:
- There is no KDM executable?
- kpackage (from kdeadmin) bails out with a message that it requires the
SMART Package Manager to function (is the latter ported?)
- switching user (as kde4, which is only in its own group), doesn't seem
to work (the desktop locks, unlocking it works)
- when editing system settings using the control panel as kde4, KDE su
doesn't show up, but it does show up when editing the same setting
(automatically set the date/time) as rene (which is in the wheel group)
- the partition editor doesn't show anything (this should be something like
the output of df(1), right?).
- no sound with juk (I do have sound with xfce4-media), but that might be
because of a wrongly configured backend.
That's all for now...
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