[kde-freebsd] [HEADS UP] KDE 4.1.0 for FreeBSD available

Andy Fawcett andy at athame.co.uk
Tue Aug 12 17:26:29 CEST 2008

On Tuesday 12 August 2008 15:47:03 Matthias Apitz wrote:
> El día Tuesday, August 12, 2008 a las 01:35:17PM +0100, Matt Dawson 
> > On Tuesday 12 August 2008 13:13:04 Daniel W. Steinbrook wrote:
> > > I could be wrong, but I think you have these in reverse order --
> > > dbus   should be started before hald.
> >
> > Order in rc.conf doesn't matter. It's basically a list of variables
> > that gets pulled in by rc scripts. rcorder will sort them out at
> > boot from the REQUIRE and BEFORE lines in the rc scripts and they
> > will be executed accordingly.
> >
> > For example, ${LOCALBASE}/etc/rc.d/hald has:
> > # PROVIDE: hald
> > # REQUIRE: DAEMON usbd devd dbus
> >
> > The dbus script, as a result, will always run before hald at boot.
> Thanks for all the hints concerning the order of the lines in rc.conf
> and the PROVIDE/REQUIRE :-)
> I can't imagine that nobody has a just working hald config, just as
> an example; or should I ask in freebsd-hackers? how the FreeBSD KDE
> team asumes that people will switch to 4.1 if aparently nobody knows
> how to enable sound in FreeBSD 7.0R / KDE 4.1? :-)
> thx for any pointer

http://freebsd.kde.org/details/kde41.php#sound has been there since the 
HEADS UP was posted (actually, it was there before the post)

This is all I have needed on my system to get sound.


Andy Fawcett                                     | andy at athame.co.uk
                                                 | tap at kde.org
"In an open world without walls and fences,      | tap at lspace.org
  we wouldn't need Windows and Gates."  -- anon  | tap at fruitsalad.org

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