[kde-freebsd] Kopete 0.11.3 (KDE 3.5.4) && Yahoo.de

Matthias Apitz m.apitz at oclcpica.org
Tue Oct 16 16:30:59 CEST 2007


I'm using Kopete 0.11.3 already for long time, but since some
days it con not connect to Yahoo anymore; it tries to do and
interchanges data with Yahoo on port 5050 (I watched it with
TCPDUMP), but then is says 'account or password invalid', of
course it is not and I'm loged'in with my browser to the Yahoo
mail account which works pretty much fine;

The connect to MSN is fine at the same time.

I've installed as a test Gaim (gaim-1.5.0_8 from the ports) and
it does not work either. Has Yahoo changed something in their
login procedure?


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC PICA GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <m.apitz at oclcpica.org> - w http://www.oclcpica.org/ http://www.UnixArea.de/
b http://gurucubano.blogspot.com/

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