[kde-freebsd] session-wise environment variables
Andy Fawcett
andy at athame.co.uk
Tue Mar 27 10:39:00 CEST 2007
On Tuesday 27 March 2007 10:17:16 Gergely CZUCZY wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to ask how can i define environment variables for KDE sessions
> that all applications will recieve, running in the session.
> I run kde from KDM with KDEWM=`which fluxbox`, if that matters.
> i've tried to export some envvars in the startkde script, but
> that hadn't took any effect on the applications.
> Namely, I'd like to get SSH_AUTH_SOCK (especially terminals and putty).
> My ssh-agent is started at system startup time and bound to a pre-defined
> UDS.
> Looking forward for a solution.
create a shellscript in ~/.kde/env/ setting the variables you need, these
should then be inherited by the whole desktop environment.
Take a look at startkde, especially the section detailing "Source scripts"
Andy Fawcett | andy at athame.co.uk
| tap at kde.org
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