[kde-freebsd] Odd Kicker behaviour in KDE 3.5.7

Dwayne MacKinnon dmk at ncf.ca
Sun Jul 8 17:56:14 CEST 2007


I'm running 3.5.7 (upgraded from Ports) on FreeBSD i386 6.2-RELEASE. Since the 
upgrade, no matter how many konsoles I have open, Kicker won't group them. I 
use a lot of Konsoles, and the result is a very, very crowded kicker.

This wasn't the case with 3.5.6 or previous. Any ideas on how I can track down 
the cause of this?

I can't afford to make any exceptions. Once word leaks out that a pirate has 
gone soft people start to disobey him and it's nothing but work, work, work 
all the time. - The Man In Black, from the Princess Bride.

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