Fwd: Recovering translations for lightdm-kde-greeter

xavier Besnard xavier.besnard at neuf.fr
Mer 5 Juin 10:39:45 BST 2024

Bonjour Johnny.

Juste une question, les fichiers indiqués ne sont pas reversés sur 
l'arborescence existante des fichiers po?

Bonne journée et merci pour la réponse. Xavier

Le 05/06/2024 à 07:37, Johnny Jazeix a écrit :
> Salut,
> si quelqu'un est intéressé pour traduire ces fichiers, les précédentes
> traductions sont accessibles à
> https://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=r1541540&limit_changes=0.
> Pour chercher les fichiers français :
> trunk/l10n-kde4/fr/messages/playground-base/
> Bonne journée !
> Johnny
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> De : Albert Astals Cid <aacid at kde.org>
> Date: mer. 5 juin 2024 à 00:52
> Subject: Re: Recovering translations for lightdm-kde-greeter
> To: <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>
> Cc: Anton Golubev <golubevan at altlinux.org>
> El dimarts, 14 de maig del 2024, a les 13:05:49 (CEST), Anton Golubev va
> escriure:
>> Hello!
>> I'm reviving the lightdm-kde-greeter project [1], which was archived
>> some time ago. As far as I can tell, the translations have also been
>> archived and are no longer available in the translation repository.
>> Could someone with the appropriate privileges please unarchive them and
>> arrange for their delivery to the restored project repository?
> I had a look with Luigi and given that the translations are very very small
> (we're talking about 20 strings at most) we decided to not restore them,
> translation teams can translate that very fast and given how old the
> translations were it's not even a bad idea to start from scratch in case some
> of the translations terms have changed since then.
> Sorry for taking so long to answer.
> Cheers,
>    Albert
>> I would also like to note that over the past few years the project has
>> been developing in a separate repository [2], including translations.
>> They were taken some time before archiving and were stored along with
>> the source code. It would be great not to lose recent changes in those
>> translations and somehow merge them into the main translation repository.
>> [1] https://invent.kde.org/plasma/lightdm-kde-greeter
>> [2] https://git.altlinux.org/gears/l/lightdm-kde-greeter.git
>> Regards

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