Fwd: Request for translation of small Workrave Applet
Johnny Jazeix
jazeix at gmail.com
Mar 7 Juil 12:56:14 BST 2020
j'ai traduit l'applet, si quelqu'un veut relire, le po est accessible à
(je peux faire les modifications moi-même et mettre à jour le fichier s'il
y a des corrections à apporter).
Bonne journée !
---------- Forwarded message ---------
De : Łukasz Wojniłowicz <lukasz.wojnilowicz at gmail.com>
Date: lun. 6 juil. 2020 à 20:43
Subject: Re: Request for translation of small Workrave Applet
To: <kde-i18n-doc at kde.org>
For any future contributor:
I would like to avoid wasting your time due to double translation.
If you're going to translate, then please check first, if the Applet isn't
already translated into your language at
As of today there is already: French, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese,
New translation should appear there as soon, as I receive them.
Many thanks for those who already contributed, because that were some
Dnia niedziela, 5 lipca 2020 08:53:04 CEST Łukasz Wojniłowicz pisze:
> Dear translators community,
> I kindly ask you to help in translating Workrave Applet for KDE Plasma
> your language.
> There is already Polish and English translation available. There are 32
> translation units to do, from short to medium length.
> The template file for translation can be downloaded at:
> https://github.com/wojnilowicz/workrave-applet/blob/master/po/
> plasma_applet_org.kde.workraveApplet.pot
> Once translated, you can send me the file to my e-mail address or do an
> extra mile and create a pull-request on GitHub.
> Thank you for your attention.
> Regards
> Łukasz
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