Patch for exception.h

Christian Riggenbach criggenbach at
Thu Mar 25 05:59:35 GMT 2021

Hi Friedrich

>Thanks for the pointer. Forgiven, but then forgive me for being lazy as
>and not setting up a remote to fetch your commit but doing a new commit
>directly :)

No problem, I was just too lazy to make myself an account on KDE's dev-system, so I joined the mailinglist after creating a pull request on github, which was closed by the bot right away.

>Interesting that you are the first one to hit this in all the years...
>but I 
>agree with your fix, is consistent with the other export header
>includes and 
>needed, both for the CamelCase forward includes but also the normal
>include <hreadweaver/exception.h> as well.

Yeah, it surprised me as well.

The underlying problem was, that reimplementing Job::success() didn't work. It wasn't called at any time (checked with a simple std::cout << "";), so failing a job was only possible by throwing Threadweaver::JobFailed(). I didn't dig deeper in the source than job.cpp, where throwing an exception is catched by the executor, which sets the state accordingly.

Is it a bug or just not documented corrected?


Mit freundlichem Gruss

Christian Riggenbach

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