D17816: Support for xattrs on kio copy/move

Stefan BrĂ¼ns noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Mar 2 13:18:35 GMT 2021

bruns added a comment.

  In D17816#677451 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17816#677451>, @kdudka wrote:
  > The man page says that one has to check return value of the second call.  It does not say that the function needs to be called in a loop indefinitely until it succeeds.
  And if the second call then returns ERANGE you have to start from the beginning.


To: arrowd, dfaure, chinmoyr, bruns, #frameworks, tmarshall, usta, cochise
Cc: kdudka, usta, scheirle, tmarshall, arrowd, cfeck, bruns, phidrho, dhaumann, funkybomber, abika, pino, davidedmundson, ngraham, atha.kane, spoorun, nicolasfella, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh
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