Porting notes / deprecation docs

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon Jul 12 19:43:33 BST 2021

Am Montag, 12. Juli 2021, 20:22:30 CEST schrieb Frederik Schwarzer:
> On 7/12/21 7:38 PM, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > Now what is meant by "clickable links to replacements" exactly? Any
> > example
> > for what you have in mind?
> > (Just in case, Doxygen usually itself already generated automatic links to
> > the functions (just needs complete signature, incl. const), see also
> > https://www.doxygen.nl/manual/autolink.html
> > but then I would guess you know that)
> Yes, that's what I meant. api.k.o does have clickable links (if done
> properly) but compiler warnings do not. That's why it would be good to
> keep the KF5 api docs.

Ah, so html pages on a server/local docs in QCH vs. compiler log, I see :)

((Old man blabla: decades ago one would have hoped we have more machine-
processable output from compilers in 2021, e.g. rich text. But then we also 
still do patches as plain text diffs, not AST diffs... oh well :) ))

> Any insight on how you kept the KDE 2-4 apidocs alive?

Mainly defending against admin wanting to clean up dead stuff and just wiping 
the current freak setup behind api.kde.org ;) (which is https://

Right now the kdelibs 2-4 docs are no longer regenerated (at the time when I 
got involved only the 4 one still was, but now also no longer is, and just is 
static files on the web server. I did some URL updates e.g. for trolltech.com-
>qt.io using mass regexp replacements on them).

IIRC main file of the generation is

But I dropped out when there were people talking about their progress in 
writing a replacement and put my hopes & bet on them. But seems life got in 
then it seems...


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