KF6 meeting notes 2021-12-07

David Redondo kde at david-redondo.de
Wed Dec 8 10:27:18 GMT 2021

Am Dienstag, 7. Dezember 2021, 18:04:19 CET schrieb Volker Krause:

> https://phabricator.kde.org/T11587
> - there are bigger plans to rework color scheming, this needs more
> coordination with the effort to down-tier this for KF6
> - would likely mean only storing the color scheme name in kdeglobals 
> rather
> than actual colors
I actually started a branch to use QSettings instead of KConfig for
KColorScheme with some changes to the public API that does this.

> - do we need per color cascading or is that rather a bug? compare e.g. 
> to
> Kate's syntax highlighting themes.
This does away with per color cascading, and imo there's not much use 
case for
it. When introducing the Header color set extra effort was taken to NOT 
cascading for those. Also Plasma will only allow creating full color 
from the gui iirc.

> - should we just put this into KF::Config itself?
The reason I did not finish this because I hit a stumbling block, that
QSettings cannot deal with nested groups (see the latest few commits in 
branch), so our current format '[Colors:Button][Inactive]' does not work 
we should keep imo and we had to copy the group parsing from KConfig. So 
might indeed make sense.

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