D29534: Implement wheel/touchpad scrolling for SpinBox control

Carson Black noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri May 8 16:21:29 BST 2020

cblack added inline comments.


> SpinBox.qml:49
> +                if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0 && control.value <= control.to) {
> +                    control.value = parseInt(control.value, 10) + control.stepSize
> +                    valueModified()

`control.value` is already a numeric type as `control` is  a SpinBox, so you don't need to `parseInt` here. `control.value =+ control.stepSize`

> SpinBox.qml:50
> +                    control.value = parseInt(control.value, 10) + control.stepSize
> +                    valueModified()
> +                } else if (wheel.angleDelta.y < 0 && control.value >= control.from) {

I think you would need to explicitly call this on `control`? `control.valueModified()`.

> SpinBox.qml:52
> +                } else if (wheel.angleDelta.y < 0 && control.value >= control.from) {
> +                    control.value = parseInt(control.value, 10) - control.stepSize
> +                    valueModified()

`control.value =- control.stepSize`

> SpinBox.qml:53
> +                    control.value = parseInt(control.value, 10) - control.stepSize
> +                    valueModified()
> +                }


  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: ngraham, #vdg, #plasma
Cc: cblack, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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