D29479: Fix rounded borders

Kai Uwe Broulik noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed May 6 14:01:06 BST 2020

broulik requested changes to this revision.
broulik added a comment.
This revision now requires changes to proceed.

  Notifications don't use `PlasmoidHeading`


> PlasmoidHeading.qml:71
> +        enabledBorders: {
> +            var borders = new Array()
> +            borders |= PlasmaCore.FrameSvg.LeftBorder

Use `[]` instead of `new Array()`

> PlasmoidHeading.qml:72
> +            var borders = new Array()
> +            borders |= PlasmaCore.FrameSvg.LeftBorder
> +            borders |= PlasmaCore.FrameSvg.RightBorder

How is operator `|=` supposed to work with an `Array`?!

> PlasmoidHeading.qml:74
> +            borders |= PlasmaCore.FrameSvg.RightBorder
> +            if (plasmoid.location !== PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge || location != PlasmoidHeading.Location.Header) {
> +                borders |= PlasmaCore.FrameSvg.TopBorder

Where is `plasmoid` defined?

> plasmoidheading.svg:9
> +    <path id="hint-stretch-borders" d="m-7-6.999998h5v5h-5z" opacity=".6"/>
> +    <path id="header-center" class="ColorScheme-Background" d="m19 11.999983h32v32h-32z" fill="currentColor" opacity=".75"/>
> +    <path id="header-right" class="ColorScheme-Background" d="m50.999981 11.999983h6v32h-6z" fill="currentColor" opacity=".75"/>

You've just added a gazillion non-integer coordinates

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: niccolove, #plasma, broulik
Cc: broulik, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, cblack, michaelh, bruns
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