KDE review for KWeatherCore

Albert Astals Cid aacid at kde.org
Mon Dec 21 18:23:19 GMT 2020

El dilluns, 21 de desembre de 2020, a les 7:16:09 CET, hanyoung va escriure:
> KWeatherCore: https://invent.kde.org/libraries/kweathercore is a library for querying weather forecast data.
> During the development of KWeather, we found the need to have a weather library.
> KWeatherCore is the result of extracting weather data fetching code from KWeather.
> I think having a dedicated weather library can serve the following propose:
> - simplify the KWeather code
> - easier to develop a weather daemon
> - potentially less code duplication across KDE

There's quite some things that need improvement:
 * You don't have d-pointer in most of the public classes
 * You have quite some code inline in the .h which makes keeping BC harder
 * You return const Q* & which is not usual in Qt classes

locationquerytest is unstable https://paste.debian.net/1177864/

You have a script that extracts translations to libkweather5 but then you do -DTRANSLATION_DOMAIN=\"kweathercore5\"


> Many of you may have already seen my previous email to kde-devel mailing list.
> Thank you for your constructive suggestions. Here are something I want to clarify:
> > I would also propose to consider doing a demon instead, so different
> > programs/processes all interested in weather forecast data could share the
> > data
>   The end goal is a daemon indeed, but we want to build the daemon upon the library. This would give us flexibility
>  in the future if we don't want a daemon. At least KWeather and other projects can still benefit from the code.
> > but we want to make sure we don't end up with two things.
>   I admit there are some overlapped functionalities. But KWeatherCore isn't designed as a weather data provider as Weather DataEngine.
>   Instead, it's trying to be the building block of weather related applications. KWeatherCore saves you the hassle of
>   dealing with APIs, getting locations and converting timezone. You can build a daemon with it, or you can
>   use it in your applications. For example, KItinerary and KWeather use the same weather API, but don't share code.
>   That means two code base to maintain. Regarding the dynamic nature of online APIs, it's better to have one library,
>   so other applications don't need to be worried about their APIs being depraved, and they aren't able to update it in time.
>   Though not currently implemented, KWeatherCore does intend to have weather alerts added. We hope it can be done in this Sok
>   https://community.kde.org/SoK/Ideas/2021#KWeather
>   With this bit added, then the work on weather daemon can be started.
> Regards,
> Han Young

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