D24966: KXmlGui: port away from KF5 deprecated API

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Oct 30 00:47:57 GMT 2019

kossebau added a comment.

  To leave KAboutData::programIconData as a deprecated property and instead turn to use KPluginMetaData where the iconName property is undisputed in its usefullnes, I have now uploaded 3 patches for view;
  - D25063 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25063>: Add KAboutPluginDialog, to be used with KPluginMetaData
  - D25059 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25059>: KPluginSelector: use new KAboutPluginDialog
  - D25063 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25063>: Deprecate KAboutData::fromPluginMetaData, now there is KAboutPluginDialog
  Now, there is still the idea of using KAboutData with plugins in the KAboutData API, by the methods `void KAboutData::registerPluginData(const KAboutData &aboutData)` & ` KAboutData *KAboutData::pluginData(const QString &componentName)`, By what lxr.kde.org reports,  the register method is still in use, but nothing seems to actually query the registration data by the other method. So possibly we could discard that pair of methods as well. Would be curious though what the usecase for this once was, it surely had a piurpose.
  So, IMHO the current patch as proposed here should not be done, instead we should just silence the warnings via push/pop of compiler settings stash. We still need to support any legacy code out there which still relies on setting the icon via KAboutData::setApplicationData()). Which actually might also get unnoticed with code only tested with Wayland, as QGuiApplication::setWindowIcon is without effect there and the window icon actually fetched via the desktop file metadata entry. And we actually have a problem if no icon is provided by either way... Hm... possibly we need to resurrect KAboutData::programIconName for this wayland-only future, so the program itself has the same set of metadata about itself as the shell has...  though this needs QCoreApplication to have a way to support us here, so any metaddata does not get out-of-sync...

  R263 KXmlGui


To: dfaure, kossebau, elvisangelaccio, vkrause, jriddell
Cc: jriddell, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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