D25877: [KColorschemeManager] Add option to reenable following global theme

Alexander Semke noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Dec 26 09:27:50 GMT 2019

asemke added inline comments.


> ngraham wrote in kcolorschememanager.cpp:107
> "Default" is probably fine.
> FWIW the parent menu item is actually mis-named, at least in Kate. It's called "Color Theme" when it should be "Color Scheme"
> Also this menu should be universal, and not re-implemented on a per-app basis.

Yes, was also wrong in LabPlot. Just corrected https://invent.kde.org/kde/labplot/commit/262f37b59193ed88bf680b155dc6ecd37bd11419.

We should have maybe in this class only one public function KActionMenu *createSchemeSelectionMenu(QObject *parent) which internally sets the string to "Color Scheme" and the icon to "preferences-desktop-color". With this we'd enforce a consistent look. Or this is menu is automatically created for KXmlGuiWindow applications...

  R265 KConfigWidgets

  systemthem (branched from master)


To: davidre, #frameworks, ngraham
Cc: asemke, kossebau, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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