D23384: [WIP] Adding support for mounting KIOFuse URLs for applications that don't use KIO

Fabian Vogt noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Dec 1 12:19:30 GMT 2019

fvogt added a comment.

  Unfortunately the `kio-fuse -d` output is incomplete, probably because Qt was too smart and logged to the journal instead...
  It's visible that there are multiple processes reading the file, maybe thumbnailing is in progress?
  Can you try with thumbnails in dolphin disabled?
  Please try both of the following:
  Add this to kio-fuse and rebuild:
    diff --git a/kiofusevfs.cpp b/kiofusevfs.cpp
    index 7755b56..a3a4c72 100644
    --- a/kiofusevfs.cpp
    +++ b/kiofusevfs.cpp
    @@ -859,6 +859,7 @@ void KIOFuseVFS::read(fuse_req_t req, fuse_ino_t ino, size_t size, off_t off, fu
     	case KIOFuseNode::NodeType::RemoteFileNode:
    +		qDebug(KIOFUSE_LOG) << "Read" << node->m_nodeName << off << size;
     		auto remoteNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<KIOFuseRemoteFileNode>(node);
     		that->awaitBytesAvailable(remoteNode, off + size, [=](int error) {
     			if(error != 0 && error != ESPIPE)
    QT_LOGGING_RULES=*.debug=true QT_FORCE_STDERR_LOGGING=1 ~/kde/usr/lib64/libexec/kio-fuse -d $yourfavlocation &>somelog.file
  and to get just the syscalls which totem makes:
    strace -fefile totem $yourfavlocation/where/the/video.is

  R241 KIO


To: feverfew, fvogt, davidedmundson, dfaure, ngraham
Cc: sitter, davidedmundson, kde-frameworks-devel, ngraham, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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