D13627: [KIconThemes] Isolate private data from race conditions
Anthony Fieroni
noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Jun 20 11:02:06 UTC 2018
anthonyfieroni added a comment.
@davidedmundson i don't have much time to test right now, so that's why my reviews looks like *guessing*. I want to know you a sure that loadIcon is called safety, so maybe dbus notifier
connect(s_globalData, &KIconLoaderGlobalData::iconChanged, this, &KIconLoaderPrivate::_k_refreshIcons, Qt::QueuedConnection);
R302 KIconThemes
To: anthonyfieroni, davidedmundson, dfaure, #frameworks
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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